Hi everyone. I arrived home yesterday from Convention in Canberra and after catching up on some sleep I decided to fill you in on some of the details of the weekend. I had a fantastic time, it was great to finally meet my
upline Kim who is as crazy as me, we hit it off straight away. I was very fortunate to meet some of my blogging buddies as well. I didn't get to catch up with everybody but I did get to meet most people. Here are some of my pics, I have taken heaps over the weekend but seem to missing some. Probably because they were taken with somebody
else's camera.....lol....it was a photo frenzy at times...

This photo is taken on the last nite when we were all dressed for dinner. Jenny, me, Kim & Chrissy.
This was our table at dinner. Chrissy, Kim, Alice, Trish, Venessa, Leanne, Me & Jenny. We had heaps of fun do I need to say that again.....lol...
This was a really proud moment for me when I walked across stage for the 30K pin. For that little award I would like to thank all my customers who have supported me through out the year because with out you I wouldn't have achieved it at all. That was me getting a congrats and a hug from Shelly.....Thanks for taking this pic Jenny......

Ok now for some of my blogging buddies. This is me and Debbie. Debbie always leaves me a little comment so it was so nice to finally put a face to
a name. Now this is Robyn, I actually swapped with Robyn and we both didn't now until later on when we meet up. Lovely to meet you as well Robyn.
Now this is Jean with Alice in the background. Jean is also another blogging buddy and it was great to meet her as well....

And finally, that crazy Leigh.....lol.....and Chrissy as well......Leigh was gracious enough to give me a heap of extra swaps which I just love......I owe you Leigh........lol.......So there you have it some a fantastic weekend filled with some new friendships and heaps and heaps of laughs......There are some pics that will probably never make it onto
blogland.........Hopefully once I catch up on some housework I will be back with some creations.........Just quickly check out the May promo on my side bar. It's awesome, it involves our designer series papers, which are just
delish, if you want to take advantage of it please contact me. And don't forget the limited time scrapbooking starter kit. Wow! These are both fantastic offers!